Public Health Weekly Report
Published online January 10, 2025
© The Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency
So-Yeon Kim1, Su-Jeong Hwang1, Moon-Seon Choi1, Ji-Young Park1*, Yeong-Ju Kim2, Na-Yeon Kim2
1Division of Healthcare Response Facility Management, Department of Infectious Disease Emergency Preparedness and Response, Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, Cheongju, Korea, 2Infectious Disease Business Support Team, Center for Public Healthcare Policy, National Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
This report aims to identify the medical response capabilities of infectious disease management organizations through designation and medical response resource analysis and to provide basic data for efficient use of resources in the event of a emerging infectious disease crisis. The status of designation of infectious disease management organizations and medical response resources(hospital bed, medical personnel, equipment) status and the installation status of infectious disease management facilities were analyzed. As of June 30, 2024, the number of infectious disease management organizations was 159, a decrease of 118(42.6%) compared to the third quarter of 2023(277). The total number of negative pressure beds was 1,052, and the number of ventilators was 4,156 units, ECMO 236 units, and CRRT 562 units, with 139 infectious diseases, 218 respiratory diseases, and 28 pediatric infections. Of the 1,052 negative pressure isolation beds, 457 beds (43.4%) were owned in the Capital region, and most of the medical equipment and specialist personnel were concentrated in the Capital region, so there was a difference in the distribution of resources between regions. There was a difference in the status of medical response resources per 1,000,000 people by region. Regional differences in medical resources per 1,000,000 people were noted, particularly in Gyeongbuk, which had the fewest resources compared to other regions. To efficiently utilize resources during an infectious disease crisis, it is necessary to improve the designation and management system of infectious disease management organizations and establish a cooperation system between local infectious disease management organizations at the regional level.
Key words Infectious disease; Infectious disease Management organizations; Health care resources; Negative Pressure Isolation
Public Health Weekly Report
Published online January 10, 2025
Copyright © The Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency.
So-Yeon Kim1, Su-Jeong Hwang1, Moon-Seon Choi1, Ji-Young Park1*, Yeong-Ju Kim2, Na-Yeon Kim2
1Division of Healthcare Response Facility Management, Department of Infectious Disease Emergency Preparedness and Response, Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, Cheongju, Korea, 2Infectious Disease Business Support Team, Center for Public Healthcare Policy, National Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
Correspondence to:교신저자
This report aims to identify the medical response capabilities of infectious disease management organizations through designation and medical response resource analysis and to provide basic data for efficient use of resources in the event of a emerging infectious disease crisis. The status of designation of infectious disease management organizations and medical response resources(hospital bed, medical personnel, equipment) status and the installation status of infectious disease management facilities were analyzed. As of June 30, 2024, the number of infectious disease management organizations was 159, a decrease of 118(42.6%) compared to the third quarter of 2023(277). The total number of negative pressure beds was 1,052, and the number of ventilators was 4,156 units, ECMO 236 units, and CRRT 562 units, with 139 infectious diseases, 218 respiratory diseases, and 28 pediatric infections. Of the 1,052 negative pressure isolation beds, 457 beds (43.4%) were owned in the Capital region, and most of the medical equipment and specialist personnel were concentrated in the Capital region, so there was a difference in the distribution of resources between regions. There was a difference in the status of medical response resources per 1,000,000 people by region. Regional differences in medical resources per 1,000,000 people were noted, particularly in Gyeongbuk, which had the fewest resources compared to other regions. To efficiently utilize resources during an infectious disease crisis, it is necessary to improve the designation and management system of infectious disease management organizations and establish a cooperation system between local infectious disease management organizations at the regional level.
Keywords: Infectious disease, Infectious disease Management organizations, Health care resources, Negative Pressure Isolation
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